Leading the Charge: Workplace EV Charging

As sustainable transportation gains momentum, electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming a common sight. In the United States alone, EV ownership soared from 860,000 in 2021 to 1.6 million in 2022, a trend set to continue.

This surge in EV popularity presents an opportunity for workplaces to adapt and evolve. Providing efficient and reliable charging solutions is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. TexCharge is at the forefront of this transformation, offering cutting-edge EV charging solutions tailored for workplace environments. Our chargers are not just efficient; they’re safe, reliable, and trusted by leading companies.

Enhance Employee Satisfaction:

Offering Level 2 TexCharge solutions improves the EV driving experience and job satisfaction. It’s a meaningful way to attract and retain top talent who prioritize sustainable commuting options.

Showcase Corporate Responsibility:

Integrating TexCharge into your infrastructure highlights your commitment to the environment, demonstrating corporate social responsibility and positioning your company as a sustainability leader.

Boost Productivity and Engagement:

Convenient charging options alleviate range anxiety, fostering confidence and reducing stress among EV-driving employees. This leads to heightened focus, productivity, and engagement.

Future-Proof Your Workplace:

Staying ahead in offering EV charging solutions places your company at the forefront of innovation, enhancing your appeal in a competitive market.

Workplace Charging Support with TexCharge

• Product Training and Education: Learn everything about EV charging, from selecting the right TexCharge product to installation and maintenance.

• Marketing Support: Access tools to promote EV charging benefits to your employees and clients.

• Easy Online Ordering: Order your TexCharge solutions anytime, anywhere.

• Exceptional Customer Service: Our team is ready to assist with any queries or support needs.

Supporting Data to Consider

• Workplaces offering EV charging are seen as more attractive employers, with a 20% higher employee satisfaction rate.

• Companies with sustainable practices, like EV charging, report a 15% increase in employee productivity.

• 70% of EV drivers express a preference for workplaces with charging facilities.

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